Bachelor 18 - Filming Schedule - Discussion

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Bachelor 18 - Filming Schedule - Discussion - Page 26 Empty Re: Bachelor 18 - Filming Schedule - Discussion

Post by renaissance Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:29 pm

LLiza wrote:I stop by here every week or two just to see if there are any legitimate spoilers.  I cannot believe that there are a couple of you who "live" here (based on the amount of posts) who make it clear that you detest this show and only wish it to be a failure.  I have to wonder why someone would waste time being negative about a season that one has never seen (and contestants never met) INSTEAD of choosing something positive to devote precious time to.  Makes no sense to me.

My guess is that each of those folks, no matter what they claim now, will be watching and re-watching every moment of the upcoming season.  We'll see...
I AGREE 100%


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Bachelor 18 - Filming Schedule - Discussion - Page 26 Empty Re: Bachelor 18 - Filming Schedule - Discussion

Post by lavenderred Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:42 pm

LLiza wrote:
atem wrote:
Mirzam wrote:My guess:

4 - Renee
3 - Clare
2 - Andi - next bachelorette
1 - Nikki
Can't this farce show end already?  LOL  Other than that, for me it's Renee as the next Bachelorette or just end the stupid show.
Call me confused, but the last time I was here you claimed that you were NOT going to watch next season but were going to just "help" with the sleuthing.  Considering the amount of energy and time that you have invested in this must mean that you have obviously changed your mind.
LLiza wrote:I stop by here every week or two just to see if there are any legitimate spoilers.  I cannot believe that there are a couple of you who "live" here (based on the amount of posts) who make it clear that you detest this show and only wish it to be a failure.  I have to wonder why someone would waste time being negative about a season that one has never seen (and contestants never met) INSTEAD of choosing something positive to devote precious time to.  Makes no sense to me.

My guess is that each of those folks, no matter what they claim now, will be watching and re-watching every moment of the upcoming season.  We'll see...
I also stop by here a few times a week but that's been enough for me to recognize that maybe it's time for a rules refresher.
Everyone is welcome to post their opinions whether good or bad about contestants and the lead. Please don't tell others what to do, think, or how to feel.

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Bachelor 18 - Filming Schedule - Discussion - Page 26 Empty Re: Bachelor 18 - Filming Schedule - Discussion

Post by tigertiz Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:39 am

I have to wonder why someone would waste time being negative about a season that one has never seen (and contestants never met)
I criticize the Kardashians too -but I've never watched their show or met any of them. I have absolutely no problem doing that. It's part of the reality tv experience. And yes - I dont think JuanPa TM went on this show to find love. I think he did it for the higher profile he'd get for his various show business endeavors. The trademarking of his name is enough for me to confidently pass judgement on that.
Nevertheless, I'm hoping for a season filled with shenanigans and hot tubs so I can happily snark away and be amused.

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Bachelor 18 - Filming Schedule - Discussion - Page 26 Empty Re: Bachelor 18 - Filming Schedule - Discussion

Post by Admin Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:32 am

Let's please get back on the topic of this thread - the filming schedule please. Thank you!

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Bachelor 18 - Filming Schedule - Discussion - Page 26 Empty Re: Bachelor 18 - Filming Schedule - Discussion

Post by Admin Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:33 am

Starshine_16 wrote:Well Clare is still not home as per my source. However that doesn't tell us much as the F3 are often kept there until after the FRC. I'll keep my eyes & ears open.
Thanks for sharing Starshine! :Smiley: 

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Post by chloep Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:07 am

Okay, my last post for tonight. I swear! :)

But I was looking at the contestants Twitter accounts and I wonder whether Zak W. made an appearance of some sort (I believe him and JP were really close on the Bachelorette and Zak was to be the new Bachelor, but declined in favor of JuanPa)
A LOT of contestants started following him when they came back from filming (and when they started following their fellow cast members)

“Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering”

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Bachelor 18 - Filming Schedule - Discussion - Page 26 Empty Re: Bachelor 18 - Filming Schedule - Discussion

Post by IrishGal Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:43 am

I so wish Zak W. was the bach. Cute, funny, romantic, smart...he's the whole package.

Team Kaitlin!  Team Booth!

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Post by Sprite Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:11 am

IrishGal wrote:I so wish Zak W. was the bach.  Cute, funny, romantic, smart...he's the whole package.  
Ditto. I thought he would have made an excellent Bachelor since I really think he is serious about wanting to find someone and settle down. We could have had another successful Bachelor like Sean...instead we have JPablo and I have my doubts about his sincerity.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by tigertiz Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:57 am

Double ditto. But maybe JuanPa TM will at least be entertaining in his own insincere way.

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Post by jcrbil Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:50 am

I think there will lots of girl drama this year. I have no doubt that JuanPa will be able to charm many women at one time and he does seem to have a good sense of humor and doesn't really take himself too seriously (witness the clips of him being unable to pronounce words and the almost slapstick quality of some of his time with Des), but I, too, doubt his sincerity when it come to finding a woman to marry.


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Post by umngirl Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:11 pm

Finally got everything together and have your full season spoilers along with plenty of other information about this season. As far as I know, there is no other place on the internet that’s given a single spoiler about this season the last two months. So after today, any site that claims “we’re hearing that…”, or “sources tell us…”, no, just stop. You didn’t “hear” anything or you would’ve already reported it. It came from this site. So yeah, basically I’m talking to you “EOnline,” “People,” “US Weekly,” “RumorFix,” “HollywoodLife,” “Radar” or any other mom and pop website that ankle bites off this site. It’d be nice to give the site credit when you eventually steal from it like you do every season. Is it really hard to say “ reported…?” I know it’ll probably fall on deaf ears and they won’t do it, but hey, doesn’t hurt to get it out there and let them know how big of frauds they are when it comes to “spoilers” of this show. These sites aren’t even talking about the show yet, but come January, they’ll be all over it and their news will be six weeks old since it’s getting spoiled today.

Some interesting tidbits to share about the season that you’ll be reading shortly:

-Every girl that got a 1-on-1 date this season got a rose. JP never sent anyone home on a 1-on-1
-For I think the first time ever, there is no 2-on-1 date this season
-Clare is the only person in JP’s final four to get a 1-on-1 date before episode 5
-There are four girls that are either eliminated, or eliminate themselves, before rose ceremonies
-Four of Juan Pablo’s girls are currently in, or were in, relationships since they’ve returned from filming. And if I know about three of them, that means I can pretty much guarantee you there are others:

1) Amy Long is back together with her ex-boyfriend, former Florida St. football player, Chase Walker.
2) Lucy Aragon is dating the founder of SnapChat Evan Spiegel. They were just recently in Hawaii together and she’s really not hiding the relationship whatsoever. Yes, THAT Evan Spiegel that just turned down a $3 billion purchase offer from Facebook. Lucy comes from some serious money as well, so, I don’t think it matters.
3) Christy Hansen is dating current Chicago Bear safety Chris Conte. A picture from Chris’ Instagram posted this past weekend:


4) As mentioned in my post Nov. 6th, Kylie Lewis is dating Mikey Tenerelli, formerly of Desiree’s season. Well, I should say WAS dating. After a whopping few weeks of sex, they’re already done. Man, if those two couldn’t make it, what hope is there for the rest of us?

I put the date that each episode is airing in parentheses next to its episode number. This is subject to change since all I really did was go in order from every Monday staring Jan. 6th. Remember last season, they switched up the “Tell All” and the overnight date episode to have a 2-part finale. Based on what happens this season on the overnight dates, I can see them doing that again and airing the “Women Tell All,” then the overnight dates, then the finale. If that happens, it wouldn’t be announced til we get closer to the end. For now, I’m just dating the episodes as if it’d be a normal season schedule. So here you go…

Episode 1 (airing January 6th): Los Angeles, CA (27 down to 18)

ABC’s press release yesterday states that the “Bachelor” premiere is Monday, Jan. 6th, which is true, but that’s the actual show. As mentioned in the Oct. 30th post, there will be a special on Sunday night the 5th that will focus on Juan Pablo’s girls for the season. Showing us a lot of their intro videos, and a couple girls were even surprised by Chris Harrison and the production team who showed up to give them a rose. You know, kinda like how Carson Daly shows up to surprise people on the “Voice,” even though there’s nothing surprising about it since the people already know. So yeah, that’s what will air on Sunday night the 5th. No word yet on if it’s going to be a 1 or 2 hour show. That’ll be announced as we get closer to the premiere.

As for some of your limo exits, back in the Oct. 15th post and the Oct. 22nd post, I filled you in on a few things that were gonna happen:

-Lucy wore a hippie dress, a flower power head band, and went shoeless on the first night. Should we have expected anything less?
-Kat salsa danced with him. Good. Kat dancing is what this world needs more of.
-Ever heard of a piano bike? Yeah, me neither. But Lauren Solomon showed up night one riding in on one of these:
-Ashley Poe gave him a gold star being a first grade teacher and all. I think she should’ve gone with a fruity smelling eraser.
-Molly the dog got out of the limo before Kelly did. Kinda like how Ben’s son got out first last season. And yes, Molly lived at the mansion with the girls until they left LA.
-Of course you had the obligatory soccer reference, and Alli came out of the limo with soccer shoes on kicking a ball around
-Amy Jokinen (one of the girls confirmed today) put him on a table for a massage during her 1 on 1 time at the cocktail party. Lovely. Happy ending?
-Remember this tweet from night one? Well, she was on her phone texting out of the limo:
-Clare faked a pregnancy out of the limo by wearing a fake baby bump
-Nikki had a stethoscope that she wore which she let Juan Pablo use to hear her heart beating
-Sharleen got the first impression rose

Once the first episode is online and released to the media and I somehow get my hands on it, I’ll add anything to the night 1 shenanigans that aren’t already here.

Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Maggie Gantt, Alexis Morgado, Kylie Lewis, Amy Jokinen, Lacy Faddoul, Ashley Poe, Christine Llano, Valerie Eredia, and Lauren Higginson

Episode 2 (airing Jan. 13th): Los Angeles, CA (18 to 15)

After night 1 happened, and before his first 1-on-1 date, that’s when Sean & Catherine visited Juan Pablo at his house to talk to him about whatever. You know, since they’d never even met each other before, I’m sure it was some deep conversation where Sean gave savvy advice. Or just another way to let people not forget Sean & Catherine are getting married live on ABC Jan. 26th. Gotta do that and shove down people’s throats a successful relationship from the show considering we’re certainly not gonna get a marriage out of this season. You notice how the Trista/Ryan, Jason/Molly, and the Ashley/JP weddings all took place when the show wasn’t airing? Doesn’t it interest anyone why they couldn’t make Sean & Catherine’s AFTER Juan Pablo’s season ended? Why take any attention away from the season currently in progress? What, you couldn’t wait another six weeks? Please. Oh that’s right, I forgot. It’s because JP’s season is an absolute farce and they need a positive love story to deflect attention away from it. My bad.

1-on-1 date: Clare Crawley. Was at the Calamigos Ranch in Malibu, where Des had her stunt man group date last season. They built a man made ice skating rink, brought in fake snow and trees, and added a bunch of lights. They had a private concert performed for them by Former “X Factor” season 1 runner up Josh Krajcik. Clare gets a rose. As posted back on Oct. 3rd, here is a distant picture of how the set up looked:

Clare didn’t get to meet Camila, but Juan Pablo, his parents, and Camila apparently filmed something together on this day. Maybe they let Camila ice skate before Clare showed up or something, but Clare didn’t meet her. I’ve was just told that the parents and Camila were seen around these grounds on the day of the date being filmed.

1-on-1 date: Kat Hurd. They took a private plane to Salt Lake City, Utah to participate in an Electric Run. Kat gets a rose. Plenty of people in attendance were live tweeting this, and I covered it in Sept. 23rd’s column. Here are four links to Instagram videos captured by others from that date:

JP & Kat on stage (courtesy of Carrierunz)

JP & Kat dancing on stage (courtesy of Mellihrub)

JP offering rose to Kat (courtesy of Josi9)

JP & Kat leaving the stage (courtesy of twedebird)

Group Date: 13 girls participated in a photo shoot with puppies where the girls had to dress like the dog they were taking pictures with. The girls were: Nikki, Andi, Christy, Chantel, Lucy, Victoria, Kelly, Elise, Chelsie, Alli, Cassandra, Lauren, and Renee. Sharleen, Amy Long, and Danielle did not get a date this week, so Juan Pablo had chocolates sent to them back at the mansion. Kelly got the group date rose. Victoria got so wasted at the hotel after party, she never comes back to the mansion with the rest of the girls and just stays at the hotel. Juan Pablo visits her at the hotel the next day and says it’s best that she goes home then.

Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Chantel Forrest & Amy Long. Victoria Lima already eliminated earlier.

Episode 3 (airing Jan. 20th): Los Angeles, CA (15 to 13)

1-on-1 date: Cassandra Ferguson. They rode in a water car down in Long Beach, then they came back to his place and he cooked her dinner. Cassandra got a rose.

Group Date: 10 girls went and played soccer at StubHub Center in Carson, CA. The 10 girls were: Nikki, Andi, Christy, Lucy, Sharleen, Kelly, Alli, Lauren, Danielle, and Renee. Kat, Clare, Elise did not get a date this week. Nikki got the group date rose.

1-on-1 date: Chelsie Webster. Bungee Jumping. Afterwards, they got a private concert with country singer Billy Currington. Chelsie got a rose.

On the day of the rose ceremony, Juan Pablo came over and cooked breakfast for the girls and there was a pool party during the day.

Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Lucy Aragon & Christy Hansen

Episode 4 (airing Jan. 27th): Seoul, South Korea (13 to 11)

Group date: 6 girls (Kat, Danielle, Cassandra, Nikki, Chelsie, Elise) joined the Korean pop group, 2NE1, on stage for a performance of their hit single. Nikki got the group date rose (Yes, that’s back-to-back group date roses for Nikki). Video footage from this date was tweeted out and was posted in my column on Sept 30th.

1-on-1 date: Sharleen Joynt. The two of them went shopping in Seoul and explored the city. Sharleen got a rose.

Group date: 6 girls (Alli, Andi, Kelly, Lauren, Claire, Renee) got a tour of the city. They got fish pedicures, took pictures in a photo booth, sang karaoke, then they took paddle boats that you foot paddle with on the water. Andi got the group date rose.

Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Lauren Solomon & Elise Mosca

Episode 5 (airing February 3rd): Da Nang, Vietnam (11 to 80

1-on-1 date: Renee Oteri. She got fitted for a custom dress, went shopping, and they walked around town before having dinner. Apparently Renee was one of the last people to kiss Juan Pablo out of respect for her son, so I don’t think there was any making out on this date. Renee got a rose.

Group Date: 9 girls (Sharleen, Kelly, Kat, Alli, Danielle, Clare, Chelsie, Andi, and Cassandra) went paddling rice boats down a river, and ended up at a Vietnamese family’s house, where they made their own dinner. After dinner, they rode water buffaloes. Clare got the group date rose.

1-on-1 date: Nikki Ferrell. They went cave diving then had dinner in a cave. Nikki got a rose.

Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Kelly Travis, Alli Restko, & Danielle Ronco

Episode 6 (airing Feb. 10th): Lake Taupo, New Zealand (8 to 6)

1-on-1 date: Andi Dorfman. They went walking through canyons with waterfalls and thermal springs then had dinner by a geyser. Andi got a rose.

Group Date: 6 girls (Kat, Cassandra, Nikki, Chelsie, Sharleen, and Renee) had a picnic, played rugby, then went zorbing. I didn’t know what that was either, so I googled it. Yep, they rolled down hills in giant balls.

They had their after party at the Lord of the Rings house. During this date, JP pulled Cassandra aside and eliminated her. How nice of him to look out for her considering it was also Cassandra’s birthday that day. Sharleen got the group date rose.

1-on-1 date: Clare Crawley. She got a rose.

Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Kat Hurd. Cassandra sent home on group date.

Episode 7 (airing Feb. 17th): Miami, Fla. (6 to 4)

1-on-1 date: Sharleen Joynt. They went out on a yacht and had dinner. I tweeted this picture out the day of the date before I had confirmed Sharleen’s name.

1-on-1 date: Nikki Ferrell. Walked around before having dinner at Marlins Park. Plenty of pictures surfaced that day of their date by the paparazzi. Here was one picture I tweeted out:

Once JP was back from his date with Nikki, Sharleen showed up to his hotel room and tells JP she’s not feeling strongly about him so she eliminates herself.

Group Date: The 4 of them (Andi, Chelsie, Renee, and Clare) took a prop plane to a private island. Andi got the group date rose and got to continue on where they watched a musical performance.

Rose Ceremony Eliminations: Chelsie Webster. Sharleen eliminated herself earlier in the episode.

Episode 8 (airing Feb. 24th): Hometown Dates (4 to 3)

The day before they started filming hometowns, I posted which 4 girls had gotten them.

Clare Crawley (Sacramento, CA) (Filmed Wednesday, Oct. 23rd) They went on a picnic, had ice cream, she cut his hair, and they had dinner with the family.

Nikki Ferrell (St. Louis, MO) (Filmed Friday, Oct. 25th) Had lunch at Oklahoma Joe’s BBQ in Kansas City, MO

Andi Dorfman (Atlanta, GA) (Filmed Sunday, Oct. 27th) They went walking in Piedmont Park, then went to SharpShooters a gun range in Roswell, GA.

Renee Oteri (Sarasota, FL) (Filmed Tuesday, Oct. 29th) Went to her son Ben’s little league game before meeting her family

Rose Ceremony Elimination: (Filmed Wednesday, October 30th at the Loews Hotel in Miami) Renee Oteri

Episode 9 (airing March 3rd): St. Lucia Overnight Dates (3 to 2)

An interesting overnight date episode to say the least. Now, we’ve seen in the past a few people leave before the actual overnight take place. Frank left Ali a crying a mess in Fiji when he decided to leave because he wanted to be back with his ex-girlfriend. In Brad’s second season, before the rose ceremony started, he pulled Ashley aside and eliminated her to spare her the embarrassment of not getting a rose at the ceremony. And then in Ashley’s season, Constantine and Ashley decided it’d be better for him to leave before they even entertained the idea of jumping in bed together. There might have been others eliminated before the overnight took place, but those are the most recent ones that come to mind.

Well, Juan Pablo definitely had his overnights with all three girls. However, on the morning of the rose ceremony, Andi met up with Juan Pablo and told him she didn’t want to be there anymore and was removing herself from the competition. So the rose ceremony turned into one of those, “Only accept this rose if you really want to be here. I mean, REALLY want to, so we only have to fake this thing for another week or so.” Both Clare and Nikki accepted roses.

Rose Ceremony Elimination: None. Andi Dorfman eliminated herself the morning of the rose ceremony.

Episode 10 (airing Mar. 10th): Women Tell All

Episode 11 (airing Mar. 17th): Finale (2 to 1)

The overnight date portion of this season took place at or near Sugar Beach, which was where the rose ceremony was. Then for the final two, I originally reported it was going to be at The Landings resort. That was mistaken. The final rose ceremony took place at or near the Cap Maison Hotel. Both Clare and Nikki showed up, he didn’t send one home early or anything like that. And in the end…

Juan Pablo chose Nikki, but he did not propose.

So for the first time since Brad’s first season, there will not be an engagement at the end of the season. Now, some of you may think that’s probably how it should be because how could you possibly propose to someone you barely know? Which you’re right. Plenty of former contestants (including Jason and Molly on their podcast) have admitted how ridiculous it is to propose at the end of this thing, with Jason going so far as to say he never even wanted propose to Melissa but basically had to. Not sure why they let Juan Pablo not propose at the end, when others in the past didn’t want to either but they had to. However, for Juan Pablo, I’d say it’s more about him never wanting to propose to any of these girls in the first place before he even started this journey.

Make no mistake about this season, and you can choose to believe me or not – this was a complete cash grab for Juan Pablo. He never had any interest in finding a wife on this show, or a step mother for Camila, or whatever else line of BS ABC will run at you all season. This guy wants to act, he wants to be in commercials, he wants to model, and he wants to be on “Dancing with the Stars.” Come the spring season, you can pretty much bet your ass that Juan Pablo will be on DWTS, even though he can’t dance a lick. Yes, I’m sure other Bachelor’s in the past went on the show in hopes to promote themselves and their brand, we’d be naive to think they didn’t. However, with Juan Pablo that’s all this was about. And if you think 26 women were left heartbroken leaving this show, think again. From everything I’ve heard about this season, basically none of these girls were into him at all. The hot, Latin Bachelor with the sexy accent lasted all of about the end of the cocktail party on night one. What’s funny about this whole thing is while the hometown dates were being filmed, I even gave my “guess” as to how the final four would play out back on Oct. 28th, and whaddya’ know, that was the exact order of elimination. Man, I must be psychic or something.

Yes, I’m aware I had the wrong ending last season. So if you already think that this ending is wrong, there’s nothing I can say or do to convince you otherwise. It is what it is. Over the next three months, tabloids will run stories, people will email me saying they think I’m wrong, people will have theories on why this happened or that happened. And to that, I’ll take it all in and say “Thank you” and just move on. Without giving up my sources and where I got this info, I can’t convince anyone who doesn’t want to believe it that this is the correct ending. Some will choose to harp on last season being wrong, and some will choose to look at my track record over the long haul and know I had the previous 7 seasons correct. It’s all what you choose to believe. This is how the show ends this season and I’ll leave it at that.

Now, what’s really going to be interesting this season, and the part I’m most looking forward to, is the edit of the show. Why? Well, because Juan Pablo chose the biggest bitch in the house and the girl that will be this season’s villain. From all accounts that I’ve been hearing for the last month or so, Nikki likes very few people and very few people like Nikki. Now that the spoilers are out there, could they change up Nikki’s edit? I mean, I guess they could. But apparently when you’re a raging bitch all season that never had anything nice to say about anything, it’s gonna be kinda hard. And ultimately it’s probably why Juan Pablo chose her in the end and didn’t propose. There is ZERO chance there will ever be a proposal in the future between these two. If they’re even together by the time the ATFR airs, just know that’ll all be for show because he doesn’t want to be with anyone from this show. Not for a second. If anything, the woman he eventually will marry someday will be Carla – Camila’s mother. That’s who he wants and I don’t think it’s far fetched to think he used this show to promote both of their careers. Because once January comes rolling around, how many media outlets do you think will want to talk to Carla about what type of guy Juan Pablo is? I mean, they do share a child together.

You wanna know something else? Juan Pablo has never dated a white woman in his life. So you’re telling me you’re going to cast a lead, where English is not even his first language, on a dating show that’s about as “white” as you can get (and English speaking to boot), and the lead has has trouble speaking the language and has never dated a white woman in his life? And you expect us to believe he was sincere going in on finding a wife and stepmother? Really? When it’s all said and done, I think you’re going to hear a lot of things come out about this season, whether it be on my site, or in the tabloids, or coming from some of his girls Twitter and Instagram accounts, that presents overwhelming evidence to the fact that this guy could give two sh**s about the show, wasn’t really in to any of them, was never interested in finding a wife, English being his second language was kind of a problem, and he was strictly out to have a good time and promote himself. And that means it’s going to be one hell of a season to make fun of. Can’t wait.

ABC is gonna have to do one hell of a spin/editing job this season. First, knowing that the spoilers are out there, they’ll edit the show to throw people off in any way they can. But that might be hard considering it probably will be impossible to think he picks Nikki considering how bitchy she’s gonna come across. And secondly, to convince America this guy is sincere and there’s more to him than him being Latin and having a sexy accent, because from everything I’ve heard, lets just say the light isn’t even on upstairs and nobody’s home. Oh sure, you’ll have girls in their ITM’s saying what a dreamboat he is, they can’t wait to marry Juan Pablo, they’re falling in love with him, and he’s the perfect guy blah blah blah. It’s all for show. You’re told to say that. If you don’t, you get eliminated. Simple as that. I mean sh**, two of his final 6 girls (Sharleen and Andi) decided to voluntarily leave the show. You think if they really wanted to be with this guy they would’ve done that? Me neither. ABC is gonna push hard how he’s the best Bachelor they’ve ever had, the girls loved him, he’s such a catch, on and on and on and on it will go. They might even publicly dispute some of the things I just mentioned just to try and discredit me. Maybe the producers knew all this going in and they didn’t care either as long as they can make the show entertaining. But this notion that this is the best Bachelor they’ve ever had and what a great season it’s going to be is all propaganda. In the end, a guy who didn’t care from the beginning picked the girl that no one liked and was the biggest bitch in the house. Have fun selling that to the hopeless romantics out there that think this sh** is real. Their dream is going to be crushed.

And finally, I’m sure the next question on everyone’s mind is which one of these girls will be the next “Bachelorette?” If you look at his top 8 (since they would never go any lower than that), only 3 of them even have a realistic shot at it:

-You can eliminate Nikki because she “won.” If you call winning being with a guy who doesn’t give a sh** about you. Even if they were broken up by the ATFR, no way she’d get the gig anyway because she’s this season’s villain. Zero chance.
-Cassandra isn’t getting it because she’s 22 with a 2 year old. Renee isn’t getting it because they are not going to cast back-to-back seasons of someone with a child. Just not gonna happen.
-Chelsie is too young and immature. Why you ask? She carries around a teddy bear all season that she sleeps with named “Eddy the Teddy.” So, uhhhhh, yeah. I’m guessing guys won’t be quitting their bartending jobs and lining up around the corner to apply for a season with Chelsie as the lead so they can play second fiddle to a stuffed animal.
-Sharleen doesn’t even live in the United States and I don’t think relates to their core audience. Not to mention she’s a little too high brow for this show. Shocked she was even on it in the first place.

So the only 3 that I think even have a legitimate shot at it are Kat, Clare, and Andi. I think it’ll be very hard for Kat to get it because she finished 7th. That’d be like the lowest they’ve ever gone to cast a lead. But she has a backstory in that her mother has cancer, so she’s at least an option. I don’t think Clare gets it either because she’d be the oldest “Bachelorette” they ever had, and, unless they change up their shooting schedule, the final 2 girl never gets it. Trista is the only girl who finished 2nd that ever became the “Bachelorette” but that was years ago when they weren’t on the shooting schedule they’re on now. The “Bachelor” finale always airs the week they essentially start shooting the “Bachelorette.” So you can’t bring Clare to the live ATFR show that Monday, have her re-live the dumping that took place in St. Lucia, have her confront Juan Pablo, then turn around at the end of the show and announce her as the next “Bachelorette.” That’s why no final 2 girl will ever get the “Bachelorette” gig unless they decide to push back the start time of filming, which hasn’t happened in any of the last 5 seasons.

Which leaves Andi, and considering that she left on her own in St. Lucia, something tells me that was a way to start her campaign for “Bachelorette.” The producers know exactly what’s going on every moment of this show. It’s not like Andi surprised everyone by leaving. She had to inform somebody beforehand that that’s what she was gonna do, and I’m sure a producer helped her along with that decision by saying it would help her “Bachelorette” chances. Obviously we’re still months away from that being announced, but I’d be pretty surprised if Andi isn’t the next “Bachelorette.”

Might be the most fun you’ll ever have watching a trainwreck as it happens. Enjoy the season. I know I will.

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Post by chloep Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:31 pm

´The chart will be up in an hour or so..

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